Monday, October 28, 2013


Dear Diary
Today it was a really good day. I woke up and shower, had breakfast, brush my teethe and went to school. I was really happy to finally had in my Business essay! Then at brake time I went to talk to my friend Fredrick about going to the gym together, this was a long talk actually it continued at lunch time. At the end we decided to go tomorrow to the gym and go to subscribe today after school. After school we went to subscribe together to a gym called California Fitness at Novena. I am very excited about going to the gym tomorrow with my friend! I want to have a better body image!

Dear Diary
Today I woke up at 2pm, I had a good rest! I had breakfast and went to the gym! when we arrived there were very strong guys! A personal trainer gave us a routine and explained us how to do appropriately the exercises. After Fredrick and I finished our training the trainer talked to us and wanted us to take a pink milkshake. We were both scared, we didn't know what was it. He said that it will help us to become stronger! We didn't take it! When I reached my house I talked with my dad about what happened he said that those thing could damage my body in the future. So I realized that is not worth it to drink artificial stuff! It was a very exhausting day!